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How to Make: Icky Sticky Irish Soup

Looking to stir up some sensory fun this St. Patrick's Day? Dive into the whimsical world of 'Icky Sticky Irish Soup'! While it may not be the traditional Stobhach, this playful concoction will have your little ones hooked in no time. With just cornstarch, water, and a dash of dye, you can whip up a sensory sensation that's as easy as it is entertaining. Customize your 'soup' with faux veggies for an authentic touch or sprinkle in some gold to charm any mischievous leprechauns lurking about. Simply mix, pour, and play! Though it may get messy, cleanup is a breeze with just water or a damp cloth. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready for a messy, marvelous adventure! For an extra touch of magic, adorn your play area with lentils, leaves, and clovers for an immersive sensory experience. Let the fun begin!